If you can’t beat them, join them. In 2024, competition for consumer attention is fierce. In lieu of fighting for the spotlight, aligned brands opt to share it (and the email lists lol). In the spirit of Ramadan, luxury hijab brand, VELA Scarves and Muslim jewelry brand, Nominal, came together to produce a limited edition collection of hijabs and accessories. Across ads, email and social, it was important to me that the jewelry aspect of the collaboration was not lost. The essence of the pairing needed to be captured while maintaining the microscope on the detailed jewelry pieces. A 13 hour shoot garnered striking images, feminine and scroll stopping. It was with these that I was able to use various channels to tell the story of the partnership and show the respective audiences why it was worth a trip to the other brand’s site.

February 2024

Orange County, CA

Creative Direction Me

Copy Me

Graphic Design Patzy Oropesa

Photography Yusuf Saleh