from Lackluster Templates to Your Favorite Emails

The way that you show up in a customer’s inbox can make or break your revenue goals. My work at SKIMS began just after its inception when barebones templates were going out about twice a week. In just a few months, I completely revamped their strategy by integrating two crucial concepts: social proof and product education. I quickly learned that it takes more than celebrity to sway the critics. While promotional newsletter metrics soared, so did the less sexy automated triggers working in the background. To increase customer LTV, I created an environment where we were constantly testing. With new welcome sequences, various winback journeys and data informed post purchase tracks, I was able to narrow the gap from 1st to 2nd purchase. As a retention team of one, I was extremely proud of the program I designed. I can’t get specific but let’s just say revenue was in the (multi) millions.


Los Angeles, CA

Strategy Me

Graphic Design Andreas Ranasen